Back in 2012, I had started my first blog which I called The Eternity Journal, after years of trying to work on something with zero direction, I called it quits.
During that time, I was designing and developing websites and working on a few side businesses.
Then in 2015, I decided to launch a web design, development, and business coaching business which was then at the time called Little Eternities and now better known as Built by Z.
I grew my name and built a brand around it too.
Throughout my journey, I always had an act for building upon random ideas and that’s where some of my interesting projects listed on come from.
While residing extremely close to New York City and coming to terms with settling my debt with a full-time office job, I decided to build (yet another) place on the internet, but this time with a twist – I figure I can build something here that’s more personal, more me, and use it to tell stories and share experiences that others might find helpful.
So is this another “lifestyle” blog?
Yes it is, but every life is different – so here’s mine.
More about Zobia
I graduated from Montclair State University with a degree in Marketing & Entrepreneurship. I briefly majored in Comp Sci as well.
The degree has not really done much for me other than check-off a box, because I was working full-time while pursuing my undergrad!
I love bunnies! I have a pet rabbit named Fluffy and in 2021, he’ll be 7 years old. Oh how I love that little cottontailed soul.
I love exploring new places, going out to dinner, bringing home roses for no reason at all, going out for late night ice cream runs, brunch, and iced coffee!
I have some interesting things listed on my /Now page, but I’ll give you some highlights, I’m usually reading books, listening to podcasts, and enjoy the Audible collection I’m growing.
If you find me on social media (ie; Instagram), you might think I’m self-obsessed, but that’s not true, I’m just a major advocate for women and loving your damn self so much that you only bring love and positivity to everyone around you!